To buy any firearm or its ammunitions, you will need to visit our store personally and make the purchase thereafter.

Here are some points that you need to check before buying any firearm,

  • You must possess a valid license, that should be renewed at least up to the date you want to purchase the weapon on.
  • If you don't have a firearm already on your license, you only need to have a valid purchasing time (pp date).
  • If you already possess a firearm on your license, you will need a sale/purchase permission. And you will need to sell your existing firearm before you could buy another one. (in some cases, we too can buy your existing firearm)
  • If your license is registered in any state other than Uttar Pradesh and it does not extend to Uttar Pradesh or All India, you will be required to get a NOC from your DM/Commissioner of Police to buy any firearm from us.
  • If your license is registered in Uttar Pradesh, extends to Uttar Pradesh or All India, you are not required to get any NOC.
  • Your license must have a valid unique number of 18 digits (UIN/UID/UCF).
  • Your aadhaar card is required as an ID and address proof.
The process of buying a firearm may not be limited to above points in some cases, for more information you can directly Contact Us before proceeding further.

For any enquiries,

Call/WhatsApp: +91-8291045019